Illinois Net Metering Changes

Is Illinois Phasing Out Net Metering?

In Illinois, net metering is undergoing significant changes starting January 1, 2025, particularly for Ameren customers. Here are the key points:

Reduced Net Metering Benefits: For new solar customers who install panels after January 1, 2025, the net metering benefit will be reduced. While current net metering provides credits on the entire electric bill (supply, delivery, taxes, and fees), after the changes, new customers will only receive credits on the supply portion of their bill​ (Illinois Power Agency)​​ (Citizens Utility Board)​.

Grandfathering Existing Customers: Customers who have already installed solar panels and have been approved for net metering before the end of 2024 will continue to receive the full net metering benefits for the life of their system, which is typically defined as 30 years​.

What is the Net Metering Limit in Illinois?

Distributed Generation Rebate: New solar customers after January 1, 2025, will be eligible for a Distributed Generation (DG) Rebate. This rebate requires the use of a smart inverter and provides an upfront financial benefit to offset the reduced net metering credits. The rebate amount will be at least $300 per kilowatt of generating capacity.

What is the Deadline for Full Benefits? To take advantage of the current full net metering benefits, customers must have their solar systems installed, interconnected, and receive permission to operate from the utility by December 31, 2024. Specific deadlines for documentation submissions to ensure timely approval have been set by utilities like Ameren and ComEd​.

These changes are part of Illinois’ broader transition towards a value-based compensation framework for solar energy, reflecting the state’s increasing adoption of solar power and the legislative adjustments planned under the Future Energy Jobs Act of 2016​.

*Sources Illinois Power Agency & Citizens Utility Board

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